Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Theory

Hey all,

Sorry it took me so damn long to get on this thing, no use in explaining why. Now that i have had over a week of class to write my first blog, first i would like to mention that this class is interesting and all , but it would be a complete lie to say that i am confident in the material. To be honest most of it goes completely over my head. Like Professor McGuire mentioned in class the other day.. I feel like i understand it, or may look as if I'm about to understand it.. but then it slips away, as i recall she said that was a good thing.. but i think she was just being nice. Anyway I cannot possibly lable myself any type of particular theorist, or say that i perfer one theory over another just yet. The plan is that this class will provide me with an over concept of theory and general and specifics on each theory. I feel that i still won't label myself after the class is concluded because i feel that the concepts we talk about in class are ever changing, and a persons particular views on those concepts may change with time, age, and expirience. All and all I'm looking forward to learning more about theory, considering it is for the most part alien to me.

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