Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Imus in the spotlight

Im an hour late..

I dont know exactly when Imus decided to bring racism and sexism into his daily morning radio show. It is obviously a very new story so its rather recent.. does anyone know what day he made his now notorious comment?

The reason i ask is because i was sitting in 12:00 Easter mass on sunday waiting for my turn to go up and recieve the Eurcaurist (spelling? sorry Jesus) and i see a man severly under dressed for Easter Sunday walk up and recieve the body of Christ. I'm not a terrible rude person but i decided to watch this guy and check out what his tee shirt said. So he goes up and does his thing, and as he walks by me i look at his shirt wich simply reads: IMUS IN THE MORNING. thats it. a little baffled but not shocked.

When i arrive back at school on monday my roommate is watching espn. Low and behold imus is now a household name. i heard of the guy before, knew nothing of his politics or what his show was all about, but now the world views him as a Sexist Biggit (spelling?). So Stewart Scott informs me, and the rest of the country for that matter, that Imus had made some derogatory comments on his radio show.

In class on tuesday... i learn his direct qoute: "Nappy headed hos," reffering to the rutggers womans basketball team, who were already in the spotlight for much more posative reasons, aka winning the NCAA national championship.

Lets back track to the man wearing the Imus in the morning shirt to EASTER MASS.
think about it and let me know


Ryan O said...

It is interesting how accomplishments can be overshadowed by remarks made aby an individual. The Rutgers team should be known for winning the championship not as being at the tail end of an offensive comment.

Funky Monk said...

your damn right
sorry for the delayed messaging ints been hell of a week and im sure u guys are in the same boat

so he made the comments last week, so the guy at mass was either a racist/sexist or lives for shock value

Imus has been a huge topic of conversation this week around campus. the so called "guy-talk" that is occuring in my various groups of friends is interesting. most are considering the comment racial issue rather than sexist, arguing that "ho" is a term regularly found in pop culture.

during one of these discussions i asked some people to take consider a similar hypothetical situation. Say if a black male talk show host had referred to the Uconn Womans team as "white trash cock suckers", what would be the reaction nation wide? i suggested that it would be considered highly sexist, and the race issue would be secondary at best. it is iteresting to think about.

John Winger said...

consider this- don imus is not fired but steps down, and retires from his position. an unknown someone pays imus a considerable sum of money, maybe a stipend, or retirement cash, and says thanks imus, we knew we could count on you. good job.