Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Post/ Structuralism

Post-Structuralism came about after Structuralism
and in my opinion fixed what was wrong with Strucuralism.
Both theories concentrate on binary pairs, especially when dealing
with the concept of words. Structuralism is more concerned with the
parallels that are found in language, more specifically words in general.
Post-Structuralism works off this idea of binary pairs, but is more concerned
with the contradictions that are found in language and more specifically
words. One way of thinking about this is that words contaiminate eachother.
This idea of contamination differs from Structuralist concept that suggests
that our reality is constructed through language. The similarity is that
both consider language as a system. Post-Structuralism is concerned
more with the "centers" of systems. I dont completely understand
the idea of the "center". One thing we touched on in class was
the idea that man is the center of knowledge, but does that
mean that man is the center of language? How do
Structuralists feel about this? Do they Acknowledge
man as the center of knowledge and language??

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