Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Psycho -

Freud was an interesting dude was some pretty original ideas. he was undoubtedly a pioneer in field of psychology and in the exploration of the mind. His main thing was that he believed that there is a distinct seperation between that of our concious mind - the one that we make everyday simple desicions with, the one in which we have all our internal dialogue, yada yada yada.. and the unconcious mind - a completely different area of the brain which all of our 'repressed feelings' of desire, fear, and memories we choose to block out, all reside. that must be one crazy little place. We never actually enter our unconcious mind according to Freud.. rather it comes out on its own in subleties that have been overlooked or undiscovered in all the years since Freud.

One of the best ways to analyze whats going on in that crazy unconcious mind of your is to take a hard look at your dreams and open yourself up to interpretation. Freud would interpret dreams of his patients.. and make claims that would shock the hell out of them. One patient that Barry discusses in particular is that of Dora. She was an eighteen year old girl who had threatened to kill herself, and claim that she had been sexually abused by her fathers friend. Through a bizzare interpretation of dream she had in which her father helped save her from a fire, Freud made the claim that the fire was her burning lust for her father (Oedipus Complex) in which she is resentful that it isnt returned... and through a couple other associations that arnt even related to the dream.. Dora actually desired the man she claimed was abusing her.

This case was highly publicized and critiqued .. and needless to say did not help Freud popularity. To this day his thoughts and ideas are heavily challenged... especailly by Feminist Critics.

Okay Freud, you were brave and daring... kodus... you made great advances in the field of psychology and provoked some really interesting thought your theory.. but you should have taken it a little easy on the little cocaine expierment.

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