Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Edwards and his Bloggers


So Edwards is running for president... (anyone but Bush right?!!)
Anyways, as a form of publicity and to get his message across on all different types of mediums and employs a handfull of his witty, educated, hopefully cultured, supporters to go around and wander the Bloguniverse or whatever crazy name they give it these days, and start political debates, spread his message and plans as potential president, anything to produce posative influence. The key word there is posative. Supposedly one of these bloggers dipped a toe in some hot water when they made some not so well recieved comments regarding the Catholic Church.

Now im not much into politics - please dont jump down my throat for that, i am of recently making myself more aware and preparing myself for future elections - but i dont think employing people to spread your word via is the smartest idea considering you as the candidate or any advisers you might have and trust, do not get the oppertunity to supervise what gets posted. Whatever is said directly reflects on Edwards, and that can come back to bite you in the ass. Not to mention what other posts will follow, by supporters and non-supporters alike. Things could get nasty


Ryan O said...

That is an interesting new tactic on debating. Also a good way for Edwards to get his message out.

just bri. said...

well they do say there's no such thing as bad publicity... and you've got to remember the game of politics is a nasty one.

Erica said...

This will be interesting to watch unfold and see if it has any effect on his campaign during the primary. From the experience I've had of reading campaign blogs so far they seem to be very staged and stay on the safe side without a lot of opinion.

Funky Monk said...

yeah, it seems as though the main idea behind campaign blogs is to get supporters exchanging ideas, with the hope of converting some readers on the way, however you can not have some body representing you that is going to put you in hot water.

catherine said...

i think that the idea of a political blog especially one for a president hopeful is a dangerous idea. I agree with what you posted that you can't control what is being said on the blogs so bad and good comments will appear. i think politics need to focus on politics and gaining supporters through relevent discusions and not bad mouthing or revealing the skeletons of the other campaigners personal lives, which i feel may come out in the wonderful world of the web.