Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Derrida claims that there is nothing outside a text, and that reality as we know it is a construction, and therefore reality is a type of text. Ever structure or construction must of a center according to Derrida. Within this structure ther must be a center which I think must be undisrupted to begin with. When the center is disrupted, it is called Derrida calls this a rupture. What ruptures a structure? Is it play? What exactly is play. I know it is defined as the disruption of presence. So are rupture and play linked because center and presence are linked? Sorry if I'm confusing you.

Going back to the center, aka the source of truth within a structure. It has been understood that for the center to be "present" it resides in the middle. If the center is absent (not-present) it resides on the outside. Only when the center is fully present can the structure be condsidered stable or fixed. Derrida attacks the entire idea of Knowledge as presence.

Another concept i am begining to grasp is that of Nature Vs. Culture. Nature has been around forever. Culture is secondary to nature because it is in away a product of it. Human nature is what leads to the development of cultures. Things that are natural, can be found throughout the entire natural world, and are unaffected by culture. Aspects of life that are exclusive to a certian region or a certian people is a part of the cultural world. An example of something that is a part of both the cultural and natural world is the incest taboo. Incest is denounced and looked down upon on in all cultures. It is a natural law not to sleep with your family members. Therefore the law is satisfied in both the natural and cultural world

Tuesdays class helped clear a couple things up for me. I found it to be one of the more "helpfull" classes thus far. Dr. McGuire did more lecturing than usual, and i know that this is a seminar and all but sometimes lectures can do wonders if done at approipiate times. I think Derrida qualifies.


... said...

I see the center and rupture as something with in the same...although i am sure it goes farther beyond the realm of sameness. So rupture break a system down and play resists centralizing forces, in this case, the similarity that they have, is in their fight against the creation of a center. I think the differnece is that play already exists even before the structure, whereas rupture needs an actual system to disturb (correct me if i am wrong). How does play exist before a structure/ how can it disrupt a presence (i am a little unclear as to what the presence means). I guess they have their similarities and they have their differences.

Ryan O said...

I liked how you stated and worked out what you believed Derrida meant by "Structure, Sign, and Play." It is important to get a grasp on what is being discussed before you dive into it and rip it apart.